My very own inexpensive papier mache luxury.
Papier-Mache is among the most renowned crafts of kashmir representing a rich tradition of craftsmanship that dates back to the reign of Zainul Abidin Budshah(1420-1470)
Originally the art of papier-machie was confined to KARI QALAMDANII - the making of pen cases. over a period of time the craft has evolved into a unique form of surface decoration having painting(Naqqashi) applied over an object made mostly from paper pulp.
Today papier-machie covers the whole range of products like flower vases,office screens,trays,book jackets and powder boxes.
The designs that very often recur in making of papier-machie objects include GUL-ANDAR-GUL(flower within flower) , GUL-E-HAZARA(thousand flowers) and GUL-E-VILAYAT(dear flower).
Proficient artisans even render the Mughal miniature paintings in Papier-machie creating ,thus, an object of unsurpassed value. :)
Well, im not a Professionalist and i wont be using any mughal miniature design in this but my very own easy pattern of flowers and this was worth a try ;)
Since it is supposed to be inexpensive and to make my project quickly I bought simple unpainted pottery articles from the market [these included kashmiri kangri(fire-pot)--used in winter to warm oneself from chilling cold , and samovar -- used to make kashmiri tea--nuun chai or a pot and a vase :)]
So, with these objects and my paints i started naqqashi(painting) on these objects ,, these are quiet decorative, traditional and amazing......
Here I share some of my designs with you :) The designing is not easy but we will try to make it a bit.
Step 1. Buy the Paints. I bought Nerolac synthetic enamel from the hardware store. you can also get them from Amazon. These are 20 ml packs and are quiet cheap. You can use acrylics too and than varnish or polish it at last. Synthetic enamel doesn't require polishing.
Note: The thinning of the paint is done using some Kerosene. Same must be used to clean the brush and and paint left on hands. Do not use water with this project. Synthetic enamel is permanent color and should be used with great caution. Keep away from children and your beautiful clothes.
Step 2: Take the piece of pottery you want to paint. Clean it and start applying the base coat with your favorite color.
Step 3: Let it dry. When it is dried coat it once again until all the previous paint is not visible anymore.
Step 4: Now comes the designing phase. designing seems intimidating but if we choose the easiest one it becomes fun.
I chose repeated pattern of leaves and flowers. I made them compactly without leaving much space which gives thee illusion of great and detailed design. Moreover the design requires few brush strokes.
Color info: Nerolac didn't provide any good vibrant colors but the basic ones, so in order to get the desired color i mixed some greens and reds with white to get light green and pink.
I used brush of size 1 to paint the design for more accuracy.
Add some golden yellow and pink details. If you have a golden paint use that.
This is how it looks like now and it looks right. Isn't it beautiful and clean. put some flowers in it and you can use it for decoration.
Flower Vase
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